Custom Commissions



A soulful collaboration between artist and collector, a commissioned piece of original art serves as a personal mission statement and an encouragement to love.

Mary's Heart: a 4-panel custom commission representing the collector's love for her four children 120 x 60 inches fluid acrylic, metallic and iridescent mediums on custom canvas

Mary's Heart: a 4-panel custom commission representing the collector's love for her four children 120 x 60 inches fluid acrylic, metallic and iridescent mediums on custom canvas

The essence of an original commission is a shared vision that is created in conversation between the artist and the collector.

I refine the vision for the work through listening intently to my collector and feeling the energy, design and lighting of their physical space. Sketches and color palettes  progress to thumb nail paintings and a final miniature. Once the collector approves that work the commission begins in earnest.

I love commissioned work. It has always proved to be an honor.

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I have several pieces of Maureen Claffy’s exuberant art, but ‘Mary’s Heart’ is my most beloved. Maureen created a four-paneled painting to represent the four things dearest to my heart - my children. Each time I see it, I feel a sense of joy and abundance. The vibrant colors and dynamic swirls make this Mary’s heart dance.
— Mary R., Chicago

A Collaborative Project:

The integrity and the beauty of the commissioned process is protected by a legal agreement that clarifies my obligations to you, the collector, and provides an equitable schedule of payment and delivery. Framing and installation expertise available upon request.


The process of commissioning a painting and the approval stages along the way:


The Sketches

Sketches capture the essence of the commissioned work and they govern the vision and the completed art. They are my road map to creating your vision.

The Palette

My palettes address how the collector wants to feel when living with the work. I take great time to be specific about what is important to include and avoid in terms of color, hue, intensity predominance and combination.


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The Thumbnail Painting

Small thumbnail paintings work out compositional and color elements using information gathered from the collector's preferences in conversation over approved sketches and color palettes.


The Final Miniature

The Final Miniature delivers the color palette and structure of the work with an over all feel for the finished vision. The miniature is a suitable for framing and a stand alone completed work. 

This piece is my gift to the collector with delivery of the commissioned work.

Video: Discussing Mary's Heart, work in progress

Maureen Claffy, the artist, discussing her work on a commissioned fine art painting: "Mary's Heart".